Beware the company you keep

1 min readOct 12, 2020


I’m careful about who I spend my time with. In my years of drug addiction, I spent time with people who would drink and use like me. This had nothing to do with whether or not I like the people I was spending time with. Being loaded makes anyone tolerable. Over time, the quality of the people I spent time with went downwards. Drunks, degenerates, no-hopers. I was either slowly incorporating the character of the people I spent time with or they were bringing out parts of my bad nature. Now I’m conscious of the types of people I spend time with. I hate being around too much negativity, too much judgement, too much complaining. I like spending time with people who are thoughtful, can have a balanced conversation without tending to the extreme (it is getting more and more difficult to find these types of people). People who have aspirations for a better life. Not people who are miserable with their lot and believe they can do nothing about it. Energy is exchanged between people and I like that energy to be a positive force on my life.

